Decision-Making Support and Consultation
Gain clarity and confidence to make the most difficult health decisions.
Making health decisions can be overwhelming and distressing. We can wonder what is the morally right thing to do.
Through a systematic, supportive and non-judgemental process you will achieve confidence in what the best decision is for you, why it is most justifiable, and how to implement your decision.
Reduce the stress and burden from making some of the most difficult healthcare decisions.
Signs you need support:
Thinking you know the right thing to do, but factors prevent you from acting
Having conflicting obligations or responsibilities
Conflict amongst stakeholders or decision-makers
Sensing that something is not right, or feeling morally uncertain
Struggling with a healthcare decision
Making a difficult health decision for yourself or someone else
(i.e. child, partner, parent)
Experiencing conflict amongst your values (i.e. personal, cultural, religious)
Making complex healthcare plans for now or the future
Areas of Expertise:
Are you making a decision on behalf of a loved one?
For example: care planning for a medically complex child, aging parents, caring for an ill partner, etc.
Do you have big decisions that will affect you, your fetus and/or baby?
For example: fertility treatment planing, medically complex pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, etc.
Do you have to make decisions about end-of-life care?
For example: withholding or withdrawing treatments, palliative care, medical assistance in dying, etc.
Are you planning a living will or power of attorney document? Are you uncertain about what you would want later in life?
For example: limits to medical treatment, long term care placement, etc.
Are you or someone you love aging with health issues?
For example: when to seek care in the home, long term care placements, living at risk in the community, etc.
Do you feel prevented from acting in a manner that you feel is right? Are your actions different from what you think is best?
For example: Are you experiencing conflict with other decision makers or your healthcare team?
Frequently Asked Questions
An ethical issue can arise when we are making choices for ourselves, or on behalf of others, that involve our values. Our own values may conflict, or they may conflict with those of others, and we are unsure about what to do next. Ethical decision-making involves deciding what to do, why to do it and how to implement your decision.
• Sensing that something is not right, or feeling overwhelmed by a complicated decision
• Thinking you know the right thing to do, but there are other factors that make you uncertain
• Having conflicting values, beliefs, goals, or responsibilities
• Being concerned about whether choices are in keeping with your beliefs
Decision-making support is a non-judgemental and supported systematic process to help you identify the best option when making a healthcare decision. Every circumstance is unique. I will guide you through exercises to identify what is the best decision for you specifically while using ethical theories and frameworks. At the end you will feel confident about what is the best decision, why it is most justifiable and how to implement your decision.
As a registered nurse my services may be covered if you have extended health benefits for nursing services.
Typically between 1 and 3 sessions will allow you to complete the process. You will achieve confidence regarding what is the best decision, why it is most justifiable and how to implement your decision.
Initial consultations are 80 minutes and subsequent sessions are 50 minutes.
Reach out for a complementary 15 minute consultation. I want to ensure my services suit your needs.
My work with individuals and families is virtual. However, accommodations can be made to ensure fulsome participation of individuals with all needs and abilities.
A consultation is used to explore your needs, determine the best plan and next steps required towards providing you a resolution for your issue. This consultation lasts 15 minutes and is provided virtually.